How To Use iCarsoft Car Diagnostic Tools
Posted by James James on

iCarsoft car diagnostic tools are known for being first class scanners. They provide great value for money, offering varying ranges of specification for a multitude of uses. iCarsoft scanners can help you troubleshoot varying systems within your vehicle from the transmission control unit to the airbag control unit, the ESP unit as well as ABS and much more.
They’re favoured for the fact that they can provide more in-depth diagnostics than most OBD2 scanners out there. To put it simply, for their price, they’re a world class piece of kit to have in your armoury, which is why we’re so pleased to stock a range of iCarsoft tools here at LJM Car Diagnostics.
iCarsoft - What Can They Do?
When it comes to the question of, “How do I use my iCarsoft diagnostic tool?” The answer will very much depend on what you wish to do with it? Here’s a rundown of some of the ways people use their iCarsoft scanners…
Oil Reset
Reset the Engine Oil Life system, turning off the warning light after an oil change.
Perform a calibration of your steering angle sensor. By doing so, your iCarsoft scanning tool can automatically clear your fault memory.
Injector Coding
Use your iCarsoft scanning tool to code new injectors to your vehicle.
DPF Regeneration
Clear blockages within the DPF filter. Your iCarsoft scanner will perform the regeneration procedure, otherwise known as the cleaning operation.
ABS Reading & Brake Bleeds
Read and clear anti-lock braking systems quickly and even bleed the brake fluid from the ECU pump.
EPB Reset
Deactivate or activate the brake control system as well as assist with brake fluid control. Open or close brake pads and even set brakes after you’ve replaced discs or pads.
Contact Us Today
The above list is by no means exhaustive, and there are indeed many more ways in which an iCarsoft scanning tool can be used. iCarsoft are one of the best brands on the market. Their scanners, dependent on the one you choose, can provide you with a range of abilities, giving you the in-depth information you need to diagnose your vehicles problems and in some cases, repair them yourself where possible. Their ability to save car owners and mechanics money is incredible.
Add to this the fact that they’re super easy to use, simply requiring the iCarsoft scanner to be connected to one of the many ports in your car and it’s no wonder they’re as popular as they are. If you’d like more information on the iCarsoft scanners we have in stock, please don’t hesitate to contact us at LJM Car Diagnostics today.