Discover How Easy It Is To Use A Glow Plug Tester
The starting of a diesel vehicle relies upon the heating of glow plugs. They are trusted to offer a reliable start up for cars and are one of the main reasons that diesel vehicles continue to be selected and chosen by companies for their trucks and lorries.
It’s important, therefore, to ensure that the glow plugs are in working condition – especially if the vehicle has been left for a while or there is a strange sound emanating upon starting it.
At LJM Car Diagnostics we have a dedicated glow plug tester for sale online that can provide a quick and simple answer to your issues.
How does our glow plug tester work?
The Nexas DGP301 Glow Plug Tester 12V Diesel can detect the two main faults in glow plugs and let you know if the problem is a false alarm.
It can provide you with a simple LED light depending on whether the glow plugs are short circuit/overcurrent or open circuit/undercurrent. It will also display whether the glow plugs are working normally.
This test is quick, easy and will provide you with the best possible way of checking if your 12V diesel glow plugs need to be repaired, replaced or you simply need to refresh the glow plug warning light in your vehicle.
To discover more about our glow plug tester or our array of other testing products, get in contact with us today.