iCarsoft VOL V2.0 for DPF regeneration

Since 2009, all new diesel cars have been manufactured with a diesel particulate filter (DPF), which helps to lower the emissions of damaging particulates by at least 80%. Essentially, it catches soot as it moves through your car's exhaust system and prevents it from being released into the atmosphere. However, like all filters, it needs to be cleaned and maintained regularly via a process called regeneration - and the iCarsoft VOL V2.0 can help. 

How does DPF regeneration work?
DPF regen is achieved by burning the particulates off the filter at high temperatures, leaving a small amount of residue behind. However, there are two types of regeneration: active and passive. Active regeneration takes place when the electronic control unit senses that the filter has reached its set limit. Once this occurs, the system starts a process of fuel injection (post-combustion) to increase the temperature of the exhaust to force DPF regen to take place. Passive regeneration, on the other hand, is carried out automatically when a car is driven at high speeds (A roads or motorways). 

How can the iCarsoft VOL V2.0 help?
The iCarsoft VOL V2.0 car diagnostic reader will help you get to the bottom of most issues with your vehicle, including a partial blockage of the DPF. Once the reader has identified a blockage, it will request the DPF regeneration process and turn off the DPF indicator. 

Why choose LJM Car Diagnostics?
As an official distributor of the iCarsoft VOL V2.0 - which is suited to VOLVO & SAAB models - you can get to grips with your car in a matter of minutes and diagnose most DPF issues accurately and efficiently. To find out more about the different models the VOL V2.0 is compatible with, get in touch with LJM Car Diagnostics today.

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