Steering Angle Sensor Reset Tool - SAS Reset Tool
Steering angle sensors or SAS have been around since the very early 1990’s. With numerous advances in technology surrounding our Electronic Stability Control systems or ESC’s, however, it’s now become a necessity to reset the steering angle sensor following any kind of maintenance.
Not only has this added yet another step for the vast majority of steering jobs and repair work, it’s also created yet another cost for car and van owners as mechanics can now charge for the use of steering angle sensor reset tools. That was until steering angle sensor reset tools became available to the general public for very reasonable prices.
Here at LJM Car Diagnostics, we’re proud to offer a great selection of SAS reset tools that won’t just save you a trip to the mechanic but will allow you to reset the vehicles steering system yourself saving you time and money.
Not only that, but you’ll also be able to see an accurate reading on the position of the wheels and the rate of turn too. The tools we have in stock cover virtually every make and model of car. If you’re unsure of the most suitable option for you, please don’t hesitate to contact us and our team will help you decide on the best possible option.
From reseting your steering system to determining any corrections that may need to be made, an SAS reset tool is a handy piece of kit to have around.
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